

Midwest Tropical AquaTower Aquarium Pentagon

Vertical aquariums create decorative living seascapes. AquaTower… an ever-changing column of water, fish and flora becomes the focal point of any room in your home or office. Sleek, free-standing geometric shapes fit anywhere and are specially designed for use where floor space is limited. A silent, serene environment to relax guests in reception areas, conference […]

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AquaTower 50 Gallon Hexagon Aquarium

HT-1 Features: -Optional clock header.-Material: Acrylic.-50 gallons.-Manufactured in the U.S.A.. Includes: -Includes high capacity filter, lighting, extension cord, decorative plants, under gravel filtration and air pump.-Optional deluxe decor includes gravel, rocks and plants. Dimensions: -Overall Dimensions: 76.5” H x 16” W x 16” D. Product Features Shape: Hexaround. Materials: Acrylic. Dimensions: 16 x 16 x […]

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