
Zebra Fish Breeding Tank

This innovative 5-piece breeding tank is used around the world by genetic researchers who are interested in obtaining eggs from zebra fish. Now, these tanks are available to anyone wishing to collect nonsticky eggs less than 1/16″ in diameter from any tropical fish.

Zebra fish make a perfect candidate for embryology demonstrations or labs in the classroom setting. Central divider allows for separation of sexes until breeding is desired. A small, plastic plant is included and provides good spawning substrate. These tanks are injection-molded polycarbonate and are autoclavable. Size, about 8 5/16 × 4 1/2 × 4 1/4″.

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Breeding Tanks

Jardin Fish Tank Aquarium Green Frame Net Fry Hatchery Breeder, 17 by 12.7 by 16.3cm, White

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