Kessil A150W 15000K Special Blend LED Aquarium Light – Ocean Blue
Product Features A150W SKY BLUE: 10000K Special Blend The Sky Blue’s distinctive spectrum. A150W OCEAN BLUE: 15000K Special Blend The Ocean Blue model delivers a unique mix of wavelengths. A150W DEEP OCEAN BLUE: 20000K Special Blend Choose Deep Ocean Blue to produce a deep blue hue. To hang the LED for aquarium use from […]
Kessil A150W Actinic Special Blend LED Aquarium Light – Deep Ocean Blue
With its innovative design and high quality, radiant light, Kessil presents the Sky Blue A150W LED aquarium light. Using Dense Matrix LED technology to emulate a point-like source, A150W provides the shimmery effects of a metal halide without its excess power consumption and heat. Bring out the beauty of blue water and vivid colors of […]