

Kessil A150W 15000K Special Blend LED Aquarium Light – Ocean Blue

  Product Features A150W SKY BLUE: 10000K Special Blend The Sky Blue’s distinctive spectrum. A150W OCEAN BLUE: 15000K Special Blend The Ocean Blue model delivers a unique mix of wavelengths. A150W DEEP OCEAN BLUE: 20000K Special Blend Choose Deep Ocean Blue to produce a deep blue hue. To hang the LED for aquarium use from […]

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Kessil A150W 6,700K Amazon Sun LED Light

Kessil presents the 32W A150W LED Amazon Sun Light-an innovative, high quality, radiant light. Using Dense Matrix LED technology to emulate a point-like source, the A150W produces glitter lines that rival metal halides without the excess power consumption and heat of metal halides. The A150W Amazon Sun brings out the vivid colors of freshwater plants […]

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Kessil A150W 10000K Special Blend LED Aquarium Light – Sky Blue

With its innovative design and high quality, radiant light, Kessil presents the Sky Blue A150W LED aquarium light. Using Dense Matrix LED technology to emulate a point-like source, A150W provides the shimmery effects of a metal halide without its excess power consumption and heat. Bring out the beauty of blue water and vivid colors of […]

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Kessil A150W Actinic Special Blend LED Aquarium Light – Deep Ocean Blue

With its innovative design and high quality, radiant light, Kessil presents the Sky Blue A150W LED aquarium light. Using Dense Matrix LED technology to emulate a point-like source, A150W provides the shimmery effects of a metal halide without its excess power consumption and heat. Bring out the beauty of blue water and vivid colors of […]

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